Riding for Purpose
Play Video Interview of Bryce Lopez to learn about the Mission and Route
Live vicariously through my adventures as I ride my bicycle 4,300 miles across the United States on behalf of two spectacular organizations, CrossPurpose and Save Our Youth.
The Mission
This ride is vehicle to do a little good in this world. Starting June 12th, I invite you to follow me as I meet new friends and explore this great country while bringing awareness to the real mission; breaking the cycle of generational poverty.
The Route
Riding solo and starting on the Atlantic in Virginia and ending on the Pacific Coast of Oregon, the route will cover 4,300 miles and will have an elevation gain of more than 180,000 feet covering ten total states.
The Organizations Changing the World
There is a massive difference in lifting one from poverty over giving to one in poverty. Imparting the love, skills and self-confidence that the future is theirs to own is the magic CrossPurpose delivers. CrossPurpose changes the world by teaching the soft and hard skills needed for young men and women to obtain a genuine career path with the mission of breaking generational poverty.
Follow my journey with daily updates and support CrossPurpose:
I am a mentor for Save Our Youth and my life is far richer for it. This is very personal for me. Save Our Youth impacts children and teenagers by providing mentors that offer love, positive role-modeling and confidence to young people at risk. One adult has the power to radically transform the life of a young person. Consider the exponential impact on society it makes when children grow into strong and productive adults. The alternative is not acceptable.
There are currently more than 75 great children on the waiting list that could benefit immediately from your wisdom and care.
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